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Unreal Blueprints

Blueprint Classes usable in Unreal. More...


file  InkDelegates.h
 collection of Delegates typs used for the UE interface


class  UInkAsset
 Assets containing a InkCPP .bin. More...
class  UInkChoice
 Representing a Ink Choice in the story flow. More...
struct  FListFlag
 A single flag of a list. More...
class  UInkList
 Allows reading ink lists. More...
class  AInkRuntime
 Instantiated story with global variable storage and access, used to instantiate new threads. More...
struct  FInkSnapshot
 A serializable snapshot of a runtime state Can be used as variable in a USaveGame to be stored and reloaded. More...
class  UInkThread
 Base class for all ink threads. More...
struct  FInkVar
 A wrapper for passing around ink vars to and from ink itself. More...
class  UInkVarLibrary
 Conversion Methods for FInkVar. More...
class  UTagList
 Helpful tag list. More...


enum class  EInkVarType : uint8 {
  EInkVarType::Float , EInkVarType::Int , EInkVarType::UInt , EInkVarType::Bool ,
  EInkVarType::String , EInkVarType::List , EInkVarType::None
 Label for types possible contained in a FInkVar. More...

Detailed Description

Blueprint Classes usable in Unreal.

An example can be found here, do not forget to install the plugin via the marketplace or unzipping the from the release page to /AN_TEMP_DIRECTORY/ and build it with:

/UNREAL_ENGINE/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin
-plugin=/AN_TEMP_DIRECTORY/inkcpp/inkcpp.uplugin -package=/YOUR_UNREAL_PROJECT/Plugins/inkcpp

And either way activating the plugin.

The C++ API will be available soon(Issue).


After installing the plugin (see above) you need to activate it via Plugins->.... Then to run your Ink script you need a instance of AInkRuntime. The story will only proceed if this actor is active.

On this instance set the Ink|InkAsset property to the story that you will run. To create this InkAsset you need to import a .ink file or .ink.json file.

With the AInkRuntime you can then create a UInkThread with AInkRuntime::Start(). In addition does the runtime allows you access to the global variables via observer or directly setter und getter.

Notice that all threads spawned in the same runtime will share a global state. So if you want to play the same story with different states, you need multiple runtimes.

The UInkThread class provides will fire events when new context is available. The easiest way to implement then is to create a custom Blueprint based on UInkThread. For a overview see Thread.

Below you can find the blueprints of a minimal example. Which is included for further inspection inside the Example project (in the map Minimal).



The AInkRuntime handles the runtime as actor. At every Tick all UInkThread of the runtime will be further executed if appropriate.

The asset containing the story to run can be set via the Ink|InkAsset attribute.

The runtime is the position to set observer (e.g. AInkRuntime::ObserverVariableChange() ) and create new threads (AInkRuntime::Start() & AInkRuntime::StartExisting() ).

It is advised to create you own Blueprint which inherits AInkRuntime to overwrite the events as necessary.


A UInkThread is like a pointer inside the story. It contains information can advance and will thereby output the context it encounters.

All threads inside the same runtime will share the same variables but can be at different points in the story.

The most important events/functions are:


A UInkChoice contains all data relevant for a branch at a choice point.


A UTagList is a wrapper for the array of tags each line of context and each choice can have.


A wrapper for variables of the ink runtime. To get/set variables you need access to the runtime: AInkRuntime::GetGlobalVariable(), AInkRuntime::SetGlobalVariable()

please note that get returns a copy of the variables value and to change it you need to call set.


UInkList is a wrapper for the list type inside ink. A ink list is like a set for enum values. For a in depth explanation please refer to the official guide

If you define Enums similar to the Lists in the ink script you can use them for an easier access.

The Example project



To setup the example project install the Plugin via the UE marketplace place unpack the from the release page inside /PATH/InkCPP_DEMO/Plugins/.

Next open the project via the InkCPP_DEMO/InkCPP_DEMO.uproject file.

Than you can hit play to run the demo.

The example contains two maps:


The Demo map contains the Actor DemoThread which is a child of InkRuntime. All UI elements and other used components are created on the BeginPlay event in the following order.

  1. The UI components are created and configured
  2. Load an existing save game if its exists (the Save game is stored at InkCPP_DEMO/Saved/SaveGames).
  3. Create the main thread of class DemoThread and register the external function.
  4. Create menu thread(InfoThread), set path to Wait to avoid any output in the beginning.
  5. Set observer for the variable Heath to update the healthbar.
  6. Set observer for the variable Inventory to update the inventory columns.



Thread Creation Blueprint

Observe Change of variable Blueprint

Usage example for InkList::ElementOf in a Blueprint

A InkThread Yield Resume example Blueprint


Example of the ussage of TagList::GetValue inside processing a new context line.

Example for choice handling.


Minmal InkRuntime Blueprint

Minimal InkThread Blueprint

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EInkVarType

enum class EInkVarType : uint8

Label for types possible contained in a FInkVar.


contains a value of type float


contains a value of type int or uint

currently not supported

contains a boolean


contains a string value


contains a UInkList


contains no value