No Matches
ink::runtime::story Class Referenceabstract

A loaded ink story. More...

#include <story.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual globals new_globals ()=0
 Creates a new global store.
virtual globals new_globals_from_snapshot (const snapshot &obj)=0
 Reconstructs globals from snapshot.
virtual runner new_runner (globals store=nullptr)=0
 Creates a new runner.
virtual runner new_runner_from_snapshot (const snapshot &obj, globals store=nullptr, unsigned runner_id=0)=0
 reconstruct runner from a snapshot

Static Public Member Functions

static storyfrom_file (const char *filename)
 Creates a new story object from a file.
static storyfrom_binary (unsigned char *data, size_t length, bool freeOnDestroy=true)
 Create a new story object from binary buffer.

Detailed Description

A loaded ink story.

Created by loading a binary ink story into memory. Once loaded, the story class can create "runners" which execute story code. A story can have any number of runners, which can optionally share globals (variables, visit counts, etc). through the globals object. By default, each runner gets its own newly created globals store.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ from_binary()

static story * ink::runtime::story::from_binary ( unsigned char * data,
size_t length,
bool freeOnDestroy = true )

Create a new story object from binary buffer.

No extensions required. Creates the story from binary data already loaded into memory. By default, the story will free this buffer when it is destroyed.

databinary data
lengthof the binary data in bytes
freeOnDestroyif true, free this buffer once the story is destroyed
new story object

◆ from_file()

static story * ink::runtime::story::from_file ( const char * filename)

Creates a new story object from a file.

Requires STL or other extension which allows files to be loaded and read. Will allocate all the data necessary to load the file and close it.

filenamefilename of the binary ink data
new story object

◆ new_globals()

virtual globals ink::runtime::story::new_globals ( )
pure virtual

Creates a new global store.

Creates a new global store that can be passed in when creating new runners for this story. Note: Can not be used for other stories. It is tied to this story.

managed pointer to a new global store

◆ new_globals_from_snapshot()

virtual globals ink::runtime::story::new_globals_from_snapshot ( const snapshot & obj)
pure virtual

Reconstructs globals from snapshot.

objsnapshot to load

◆ new_runner()

virtual runner ink::runtime::story::new_runner ( globals store = nullptr)
pure virtual

Creates a new runner.

Creates a new runner whose initial instruction pointer is the first instruction in this story. If no global store is passed, a new one will be created for the runner.

storeglobals to use for the runner
managed pointer to a new runner

◆ new_runner_from_snapshot()

virtual runner ink::runtime::story::new_runner_from_snapshot ( const snapshot & obj,
globals store = nullptr,
unsigned runner_id = 0 )
pure virtual

reconstruct runner from a snapshot

runner must be snap_shotted from the same story
if globals is explicit set, make sure the globals are from the same snapshot as
if you snap_shotted a multiple runner with shared global please reconstruct it in the same fashion
storecan be set if explicit access to globals is required or multiple runner with a shared global are used
runner_idif the snapshot was of a multiple runner one global situation load first the global, and then each runner with global set and increasing idx

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